Teeth Whitening in Oakville

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Achieving Your Ideal Smile with our Advanced Teeth Whitening

Your smile can be a great first impression. At Sixth Line Family Dental, our Oakville dentist are dedicated to helping you achieve your ideal smile through teeth whitening. 

Your teeth naturally darken over time, and this is completely natural. However, some people may want to brighten up their smile or simply prefer the look of whiter teeth, and our team at Sixth Line Family Dental is here for your teeth whitening needs. 

Book an appointment with us today to learn more about teeth whitening and how it can benefit you!

What Does Teeth Whitening Focus On?

Even though your teeth aren’t naturally meant to be completely white, many people want a brighter smile, and teeth whitening can deliver those results. 

Teeth whitening tackles different types of tooth stains, such as: 

  • Extrinsic teeth stains that discolour your tooth enamel on the surface of your teeth.
  • Intrinsic teeth stains which are located on the inside of the tooth and are more resistant to over-the-counter whitening products.
  • Age-related teeth stains occur when the enamel on your teeth begins to wear away with age, resulting in a yellow appearance.

Our goal is to put you at ease and walk you through your options when you come to Sixth Line Family Dental for teeth whitening in Oakville. 

Your Teeth Whitening Options

At Sixth Line Family Dental, we want to ensure our patients have options and are informed on the methods that can help them achieve their smile goals. 

Teeth whitening options fall under 2 main categories: surface whiteners and bleaches

Most products in the surface whitener category are either toothpaste or chewing gums. Special abrasives in these products improve their ability to tackle surface stains.

The effectiveness of surface whiteners is limited to surface stains and shouldn’t be considered a substitute for professional cleaning!

Bleaching is a teeth whitening procedure that should only be done in-office with your dentist. Different bleaching techniques are used depending on what your teeth require.

  • Vital bleaching is done to whiten your teeth if they are stained by food or tobacco or if they have darkened with age.
  • Non-vital bleaching is done to lighten your teeth from the inside out and is used on teeth that have changed colour because of a root canal.

Keeping Unwanted Stains at Bay

Preventing unwanted stains is a consistent process. Monitoring your diet and avoiding beverages like coffee, wine, and soda can help you keep your teeth stain-free. 

At Sixth Line Family Dental, we want to provide proper guidance and explore all your options to whiten your teeth. 

Book an appointment today to begin your teeth whitening journey with Sixth Line Family Dental in Oakville!

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Where To Find Us

Sixth Line Family Dental is located in central Oakville, on the Sixth Line, just south of Upper Middle Road. Having trouble finding us? Please feel free to give us a call! 

Our Address

  • #9 1500 Sixth Line
  • Oakville, ON L6H 2P2

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