Root Canals in Oakville

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Restoring Your Natural Teeth

Displaying your best smile is always a nice confidence boost. At Sixth Line Family Dental in Oakville, we want to help you achieve your smile goals. 

Our dedicated team offers root canals for teeth whose pulp has become inflamed or infected. A root canal procedure can help you retain a natural tooth that has become inflamed or infected.

Any issues with damaged or infected teeth can be stressful—root canal treatment only is an appointment away.

What Is a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal procedure is performed to treat infected, broken, injured, or dead pulp from inside your tooth. The space inside the hard layers of each of your teeth is called the root canal system. The root canal system is filled with soft dental pulp composed of nerves and blood vessels that promote tooth growth and development.  

Our Oakville dentist will remove infected or injured tissue from inside the crown and roots of your tooth. The canal will be disinfected, shaped, filled, and sealed after removal.  

Root canal treatment can be a great option to retain your natural teeth when they have suffered damage. 

Preparing for Your Root Canal Procedure

Our Sixth Line Family Dental team wants you to be comfortable throughout your procedure, so knowing what to expect can relieve some anxiety and uncertainty surrounding your root canal procedure. 

Our Oakville dental team will ensure that your post treatment recovery is comfortable.

To start off, your dentist will give you a local anesthetic to freeze, or numb, the area of treatment. Once the freezing kicks in, your dentist will place a rubber dam around the tooth being treated to protect your teeth from bacteria in your saliva.

Your dentist will then make an opening in your tooth to reach the root canal system and damaged pulp. The damaged pulp will then be removed by cleaning and enlarging the root canal system.

Following the cleaning process, your canal will be filled and sealed. The previous opening of your tooth will be sealed using a temporary or permanent filling, depending on what is best for you.

Following your root canal procedure, your tooth will be restored by our dental professionals to look, feel, and work like your natural tooth as much as possible.

The choice of restoration will usually depend on the strength of your natural tooth that’s left. Your dentist will be able to run through all your options and pick the best restoration method according to your needs.

Setting Your Teeth up for Success

Taking proper care of your teeth and gums is essential. A root canal can help to rid your tooth of infection, while preserving the tooth. 

Book an appointment today at our dental clinic in Oakville to learn more about root canals and how we can help. 

Our Blog

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Dental Care, Dental Cleaning

Many people can expect to visit their dentist twice a year for teeth cleanings and examinations, but expectations can be tricky regarding X-ray—some people have them every visit, while others have them less frequently.  Learning how often you may need a dental X-ray and why dentists provide them can help you understand more about caring […]

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Dental Care, Dental Cleaning

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March 8, 2023
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A young woman resting her chin and biting down on a specialized device during a dental X-ray exam.

Many people can expect to visit their dentist twice a year for teeth cleanings and examinations, but expectations can be tricky regarding X-ray—some people have them every visit, while others have them less frequently.  Learning how often you may need a dental X-ray and why dentists provide them can help you understand more about caring […]

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Root canals have a reputation for being the most dreaded dental procedure. If you want to avoid root canals, there are a few things you can do. Maintaining a good dental health routine and scheduling regular cleanings can help prevent dental issues that can lead to a necessary root canal. The dedicated team at Sixth […]

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Regular dental cleanings and exams are not only essential for maintaining good oral health, but also form a very important part of your overall health. Bad oral hygiene and deposits in the mouth cause a considerable increase in the harmful bacterial flora in your mouth.Everything you eat/drink is affected by it and therefore affects your […]

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Where To Find Us

Sixth Line Family Dental is located in central Oakville, on the Sixth Line, just south of Upper Middle Road. Having trouble finding us? Please feel free to give us a call! 

Our Address

  • #9 1500 Sixth Line
  • Oakville, ON L6H 2P2

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