Restorative Dental Care in Oakville

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Restoring Your Smile

Damaged or missing teeth can be challenging to deal with and deliver a blow to your confidence. At Sixth Line Family Dental, we’re here to help give you an extra boost of confidence through different restorative dental procedures. 

If you are dealing with issues involving damaged or missing teeth, please don’t hesitate to contact us at our dental clinic in Oakville. Sixth Line Family Dental is a safe and non-judgemental space—we’re here to help you feel comfortable and restore your smile.

What Is Restorative Dental Care?

Restorative dental care is a combination of different dental procedures that can help you regain the full functionality of your teeth. Restorative dental care treatment will allow you to replace missing teeth and fix damaged teeth.

If you have tooth decay, broken or chipped teeth, or missing teeth, restorative dental care may be for you. Sixth Line Family Dental in Oakville provides a variety of restorative dental care procedures to help you regain confidence in your smile. 

Our goal with restorative dentistry is to focus on what’s best for your overall dental health.

Different Types of Restorative Dental Care

Restorative dental care is comprised of different dental procedures. At Sixth Line Family Dental, we offer several options to restore your smile. 

Some of the major restorative dental services offered at our Oakville clinic include root canals, fillings, and crowns & bridges.

Root canals are safe and effective for teeth whose pulp has become inflamed or infected and can be used to help save and restore teeth. When your teeth are injured, cracked, or decayed it becomes necessary to open the tooth and clean out the infected tissue.

The space left from the cleaning is then filled and sealed to avoid further infection. Saving a natural tooth through a root canal procedure can avoid having to replace it with an artificial tooth.

When you head to our office for your dental exam, your dentist will check your fillings and determine if you may need to replace any loose or broken ones. During this check-up, your dentist will also look for signs of decay, such as brown or black spots.

If a larger cavity is discovered, your dentist will advise filling it right away to avoid it getting bigger and causing you more pain.

There are 2 different types of filling materials that may be used:

  • Metal fillings
  • Tooth-coloured fillings

A dental crown is an artificial tooth that’s used to cover damage and decay on your tooth. Crowns are designed to restore and protect your teeth from further damage while maintaining your natural smile.

A dental crown is also used to cover up discoloured or misshapen teeth and is made from a variety of materials:

  • Metal
  • Composite
  • Porcelain
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal

A dental bridge is a procedure that replaces one or more missing teeth and is a permanent process to fill in the space from missing teeth. If you have missing teeth between 2 dental crowns, a bridge can cover up that space and fuse between your dental crowns.

Taking Care of Your Teeth

While restorative dentistry is a great option to repair any damage or decay in your teeth, staying consistent with your oral hygiene routine is essential. Brushing and flossing daily can significantly increase your overall dental health.

Consistency with your dental exams is a great way to diagnose issues and get your dental questions answered. Book an appointment today with our Oakville dentist to learn more about what restorative dental care can do for you.

Our Blog

Why Do I Need Regular X-Rays?

Dental Care, Dental Cleaning

Many people can expect to visit their dentist twice a year for teeth cleanings and examinations, but expectations can be tricky regarding X-ray—some people have them every visit, while others have them less frequently.  Learning how often you may need a dental X-ray and why dentists provide them can help you understand more about caring […]

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July 6, 2023
Priya Naagar

How To Avoid a Root Canal?

Dental Care, Root Canal

Root canals have a reputation for being the most dreaded dental procedure. If you want to avoid root canals, there are a few things you can do. Maintaining a good dental health routine and scheduling regular cleanings can help prevent dental issues that can lead to a necessary root canal. The dedicated team at Sixth […]

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April 28, 2023
Priya Naagar

Why and How Often Should I Get A Dental Cleaning?

Dental Care, Dental Cleaning

Regular dental cleanings and exams are not only essential for maintaining good oral health, but also form a very important part of your overall health. Bad oral hygiene and deposits in the mouth cause a considerable increase in the harmful bacterial flora in your mouth.Everything you eat/drink is affected by it and therefore affects your […]

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March 8, 2023
Priya Naagar
A young woman resting her chin and biting down on a specialized device during a dental X-ray exam.

Many people can expect to visit their dentist twice a year for teeth cleanings and examinations, but expectations can be tricky regarding X-ray—some people have them every visit, while others have them less frequently.  Learning how often you may need a dental X-ray and why dentists provide them can help you understand more about caring […]

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Close-up of toothbrush and dental floss. Proper brushing and flossing can help reduce your chance of developing cavities or tooth decay.

Root canals have a reputation for being the most dreaded dental procedure. If you want to avoid root canals, there are a few things you can do. Maintaining a good dental health routine and scheduling regular cleanings can help prevent dental issues that can lead to a necessary root canal. The dedicated team at Sixth […]

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A beautiful young woman seated in a dentist chair as her dentist checks and cleans her teeth.

Regular dental cleanings and exams are not only essential for maintaining good oral health, but also form a very important part of your overall health. Bad oral hygiene and deposits in the mouth cause a considerable increase in the harmful bacterial flora in your mouth.Everything you eat/drink is affected by it and therefore affects your […]

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Where To Find Us

Sixth Line Family Dental is located in central Oakville, on the Sixth Line, just south of Upper Middle Road. Having trouble finding us? Please feel free to give us a call! 

Our Address

  • #9 1500 Sixth Line
  • Oakville, ON L6H 2P2

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