Family Dentistry in Oakville

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Family Friendly Dentistry

At Sixth Line Family Dental in Oakville, our goal is to create a welcoming and positive environment for your whole family. Our team knows the importance of lifelong dentistry and wants to provide dental health solutions and habits that you can take with you long after your appointment. 

Maintaining dental health is a continuous journey that spans your entire lifetime, and we want to be a part of the process. Sixth Line Family Dental is in your corner, whether you need a routine dental checkup or a more specialized procedure. 

Dental Services for Every Generation

When we talk about family dentistry, we mean the whole family. Working on your oral hygiene begins from a young age, and we recognize the importance of making every dental visit an informative one. 

Sixth Line Family Dental provides pediatric dentistry services at our Oakville clinic for your children to promote good oral hygiene habits and get them comfortable with a visit to the dentist. 

These oral hygiene habits built from a young age stay with you into adulthood, and attending regular dental exams and cleanings becomes second nature. Even into your adult years, your teeth will be ever-changing. 

Specialized dental care can become more important than ever as you approach your senior years. At Sixth Line Family Dental, we offer specialty dentistry like crowns and bridges, veneers, and other restorative dental care services.

Dental Health Beyond the Office

At Sixth Line Family Dental, we care about our patients’ dental health. We want to ensure that you take good habits beyond your appointment. Developing good oral hygiene habits is a process—sharing these good habits with your whole family is a major goal at Sixth Line Family Dental. 

Our dedicated Oakville team wants to make sure every visit is productive, convenient, and educational. Your regular dental exams can serve as a learning experience, and our team wants to set you up for success with good habits at home. 

Regular dental exams and cleanings are the best way to practice prevention and detect any issues before they potentially get worse. Waiting for something to go wrong can result in a more serious situation and consistency is key when it comes to dental health.

No matter what age you are, regular dental check-ups can save you some stress and anxiety. You shouldn’t have to wait for a dental emergency to come in for an exam!

A well-balanced diet is essential for building strong teeth and gums. Limiting certain foods containing sugar, sodium, carbohydrates, or saturated fats can promote a healthy smile. Limiting alcohol can also contribute to good oral hygiene.

Your teeth require constant care, and your dietary choices can play a huge part in their preservation.

You’ve heard it a million times, but brushing twice daily and flossing are crucial to your dental health outside your visit to the dentist.

It only takes a few minutes out of your day but can make a world of difference to your dental health. Make sure to wait at least 20 to 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth and always dispose of floss in the garbage and never flush it down the toilet.

Accessible Family Dentistry

At Sixth Line Family Dental, we want to simplify dentistry and make it accessible for the whole family. Our team is committed to the patient experience and believes in educating our patients beyond their visit to our office.  

Book an appointment today with our Oakville dental team to become a part of the family and explore the dental services we can provide for you. 

Our Blog

Why Do I Need Regular X-Rays?

Dental Care, Dental Cleaning

Many people can expect to visit their dentist twice a year for teeth cleanings and examinations, but expectations can be tricky regarding X-ray—some people have them every visit, while others have them less frequently.  Learning how often you may need a dental X-ray and why dentists provide them can help you understand more about caring […]

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July 6, 2023
Priya Naagar

How To Avoid a Root Canal?

Dental Care, Root Canal

Root canals have a reputation for being the most dreaded dental procedure. If you want to avoid root canals, there are a few things you can do. Maintaining a good dental health routine and scheduling regular cleanings can help prevent dental issues that can lead to a necessary root canal. The dedicated team at Sixth […]

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April 28, 2023
Priya Naagar

Why and How Often Should I Get A Dental Cleaning?

Dental Care, Dental Cleaning

Regular dental cleanings and exams are not only essential for maintaining good oral health, but also form a very important part of your overall health. Bad oral hygiene and deposits in the mouth cause a considerable increase in the harmful bacterial flora in your mouth.Everything you eat/drink is affected by it and therefore affects your […]

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March 8, 2023
Priya Naagar
A young woman resting her chin and biting down on a specialized device during a dental X-ray exam.

Many people can expect to visit their dentist twice a year for teeth cleanings and examinations, but expectations can be tricky regarding X-ray—some people have them every visit, while others have them less frequently.  Learning how often you may need a dental X-ray and why dentists provide them can help you understand more about caring […]

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Close-up of toothbrush and dental floss. Proper brushing and flossing can help reduce your chance of developing cavities or tooth decay.

Root canals have a reputation for being the most dreaded dental procedure. If you want to avoid root canals, there are a few things you can do. Maintaining a good dental health routine and scheduling regular cleanings can help prevent dental issues that can lead to a necessary root canal. The dedicated team at Sixth […]

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A beautiful young woman seated in a dentist chair as her dentist checks and cleans her teeth.

Regular dental cleanings and exams are not only essential for maintaining good oral health, but also form a very important part of your overall health. Bad oral hygiene and deposits in the mouth cause a considerable increase in the harmful bacterial flora in your mouth.Everything you eat/drink is affected by it and therefore affects your […]

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Where To Find Us

Sixth Line Family Dental is located in central Oakville, on the Sixth Line, just south of Upper Middle Road. Having trouble finding us? Please feel free to give us a call! 

Our Address

  • #9 1500 Sixth Line
  • Oakville, ON L6H 2P2

Contact Information

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