Emergency Dental Care in Oakville

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Emergency Dental Care When You Need It

We know how frightening and uncomfortable a dental emergency can be, so when emergencies happen, our team is here to support you. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing a dental emergency, it’s important to seek medical help right away. At Sixth Line Family Dental, our compassionate team is here to provide you with the emergency dental care in Oakville that you deserve. 

Please contact us immediately and we will do our best to help you through the next steps and book you in to see us soon as possible. If your emergency occurs outside of our regular office hours, please visit your nearest emergency room or clinic. 

Why Do You Need Emergency Dental Care?

In an emergency it’s easy to panic and forget what to do. Our team at Sixth Line Family Dental in Oakville is here to support you through any situation. 

When you visit us for an emergency appointment, we can help reduce pain, ease anxiety, increase the chance of saving your teeth, and limit the risk of further damage or infection.

What is a Dental Emergency?

If you’re having an emergency, we can help. We treat a wide variety of dental emergencies to protect and preserve your smile. 

Our Oakville dental clinic provides emergency treatment for issues such as, severe toothache, chipped or broken teeth, lost teeth, and tongue or lip bites.

If you have long-lasting or severe tooth pain, it could be a sign that something is wrong. While some tooth pain is normal and doesn’t require emergency treatment, you should seek medical attention right away if:

  • Your tooth pain is severe
  • Your tooth pain isn’t going away
  • You notice swelling

When a tooth chips, cracks, or breaks it can be quite painful and can damage your teeth if left untreated. Emergency dental care can repair your tooth so you don’t have to deal with unnecessary pain for too long.

If a tooth has completely fallen out, you may be able to save the tooth if you seek medical care right away.

If you find yourself in this situation, place the tooth in milk or warm water and contact us once you’re already on the way. If a tooth is placed back in its socket within 10 to 30 minutes, it might be able to retake root.

If you have a filling that has become loose or has completely fallen out, it can leave your tooth vulnerable to bacteria, infection, and pain.

If this happens to you or someone you know, call our team immediately and we can take the steps to get your filling replaced.

If you bite your tongue or lip badly enough to the point where it won’t stop bleeding, you need emergency care. While you’re waiting to be seen, place a clean cloth on the injured area and use an ice pack to reduce any swelling.

The Help You Need, When You Need It

If you’re having an emergency, our dental clinic in Oakville is only ever one call away!

Our Blog

Why Do I Need Regular X-Rays?

Dental Care, Dental Cleaning

Many people can expect to visit their dentist twice a year for teeth cleanings and examinations, but expectations can be tricky regarding X-ray—some people have them every visit, while others have them less frequently.  Learning how often you may need a dental X-ray and why dentists provide them can help you understand more about caring […]

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July 6, 2023
Priya Naagar

How To Avoid a Root Canal?

Dental Care, Root Canal

Root canals have a reputation for being the most dreaded dental procedure. If you want to avoid root canals, there are a few things you can do. Maintaining a good dental health routine and scheduling regular cleanings can help prevent dental issues that can lead to a necessary root canal. The dedicated team at Sixth […]

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April 28, 2023
Priya Naagar

Why and How Often Should I Get A Dental Cleaning?

Dental Care, Dental Cleaning

Regular dental cleanings and exams are not only essential for maintaining good oral health, but also form a very important part of your overall health. Bad oral hygiene and deposits in the mouth cause a considerable increase in the harmful bacterial flora in your mouth.Everything you eat/drink is affected by it and therefore affects your […]

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March 8, 2023
Priya Naagar
A young woman resting her chin and biting down on a specialized device during a dental X-ray exam.

Many people can expect to visit their dentist twice a year for teeth cleanings and examinations, but expectations can be tricky regarding X-ray—some people have them every visit, while others have them less frequently.  Learning how often you may need a dental X-ray and why dentists provide them can help you understand more about caring […]

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Close-up of toothbrush and dental floss. Proper brushing and flossing can help reduce your chance of developing cavities or tooth decay.

Root canals have a reputation for being the most dreaded dental procedure. If you want to avoid root canals, there are a few things you can do. Maintaining a good dental health routine and scheduling regular cleanings can help prevent dental issues that can lead to a necessary root canal. The dedicated team at Sixth […]

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A beautiful young woman seated in a dentist chair as her dentist checks and cleans her teeth.

Regular dental cleanings and exams are not only essential for maintaining good oral health, but also form a very important part of your overall health. Bad oral hygiene and deposits in the mouth cause a considerable increase in the harmful bacterial flora in your mouth.Everything you eat/drink is affected by it and therefore affects your […]

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Where To Find Us

Sixth Line Family Dental is located in central Oakville, on the Sixth Line, just south of Upper Middle Road. Having trouble finding us? Please feel free to give us a call! 

Our Address

  • #9 1500 Sixth Line
  • Oakville, ON L6H 2P2

Contact Information

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