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Is Sedation Dentistry safe?

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A young girl sitting on a dental chair is having her teeth treated while having an inhalation sedation mask on.

Dental fear or anxiety affects 36% of Americans and 12% on top of this, who suffer extreme fear or anxiety. For many, the answer to this is sedation. Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective method to help those with any level of anxiety surrounding dental visits. 

Sedation dentistry is offered at Sixth Line Family Dental as a supportive sedation treatment. We want to make sure that you are as comfortable as you can be during your visit. Sedation can be used for a variety of procedures, from regular check ups to oral surgeries and extractions. The sedation methods can vary and your individual treatment will always be discussed with you and your doctor. 

What Types of Sedation Treatments are There? 

At Sixth Line Family Dental we offer 2 types of sedation: local anesthesia and conscious sedation. The dentist is here to make sure that you are comfortable during your visit and that the best treatment for your needs is provided to you.

Through conscious sedation, most times, you are awake and responsive. Depending on the intensity of treatment, you may just feel fully relaxed and sleepy, or you may fall asleep completely. The different stages of sedation are:

  • Minimal: You will feel quite relaxed, remain fully conscious, and be responsive.
  • Moderate: You will feel sleepy and in some cases fall completely asleep. If you remain awake, you will be responsive but may not remember the entire procedure.
  • Deep: You will be fully asleep and unresponsive. This is used for those who do not want to be conscious during their treatment.

Local anesthetic is a more concentrated method that affects the nerves. This will target specific areas of your mouth and stop the pain sensors from sending messages to your brain. For many, this is used to help you relax when used with a sedative. 

A close-up of a girl holding a glass of water and taking a sedation pill at the dental clinic.

How is the Sedation Treatment Administered? 

Local Anesthetic

Local anesthetic is applied directly to your skin or mucous membranes. It can be applied inside your mouth, nose, or throat. This can be administered by:

  • Creams
  • Gels 
  • Liquids 
  • Patches 
  • Sprays
  • Syringes

This effect will last for a couple of hours but will go away on its own, once it works through your system. For some, it can take longer than others, this will just depend on how your body works. 

Conscious Sedation

For conscious sedation, based on the stage that you will be getting, there are a couple of ways in which this can be administered:

  • Inhalation: You will breathe sedation in through a mask.
  • Orally: You will take a pill or tablet that you swallow.  
  • Intravenously: You will have sedation administered through an IV line that goes directly to your bloodstream.

Your doctor will go through how long each of these effects may last based on the treatment you are getting. Should the effects of this last longer than originally stated, you must contact your doctor right away. 

Are There Risks with Sedation?

With any procedure, there are generally some risks. One of the most important things to discuss with your doctor before you take part in any procedure is your medical history.

For those that have sleep apnea or are obese, there could be more risks and issues because of how your body may process the sedation. Medications you’re on could interact with sedation, so it’s best to inform your doctor of all medications you’re taking before you undergo sedation so that your doctor can assess the risks with you.

In some cases there can be side effects from local anesthesia. Some side effects could include:

  • Dizziness 
  • Numbness 
  • Twitching
  • Ringing in your ears
  • A metallic taste in your mouth

In extreme cases, side effects can include:

  • Breathing issues 
  • Seizures 
  • Low blood pressure
  • Heart rate slowed

How Will I Know if Sedation is Right for Me? 

If you’re someone that avoids going to the dentist because of fear or anxiety, sedation dentistry could be right for you. It can be an effective solution to help calm fear and promote relaxation while you’re in the dental chair. 

Sedation Dentistry at Sixth Line Family Dental 

If you experience dental anxiety, Sixth Line Family Dental wants to help. Book your next appointment with us and let’s talk about how we can make your appointment as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

Written by Priya Naagar

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