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How To Avoid a Root Canal?

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Close-up of toothbrush and dental floss. Proper brushing and flossing can help reduce your chance of developing cavities or tooth decay.

Root canals have a reputation for being the most dreaded dental procedure. If you want to avoid root canals, there are a few things you can do. Maintaining a good dental health routine and scheduling regular cleanings can help prevent dental issues that can lead to a necessary root canal.

The dedicated team at Sixth Line Family Dental performs root canals frequently. We can help make the procedure a comfortable one and help care for your oral health to prevent tooth problems.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a procedure to repair a tooth without extraction. It involves removing the soft centre of the tooth, the pulp, which is made of nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels. When the tooth’s pulp is damaged or exposed, bacteria can grow within the pulp and potentially lead to an infection.

An infection of the root and the pulp is often painful and can cause:

  • Drainage issues leading to an abscess
  • Swelling radiating to the face or neck
  • Bone loss at the root

These circumstances may seem extreme, but this can happen if you have:

  • Multiple dental procedures on the affected tooth
  • Cracked or broken teeth
  • Severe cavities

During a root canal, the tooth’s pulp and root canals are removed entirely before being disinfected to rid the tooth of harmful bacteria or lingering infection. A crown will be placed over the tooth to protect the gums and tissue from further damage.

Signs You Need a Root Canal

If you’re experiencing discomfort or pain in your teeth or gums, it may indicate you need a root canal. Some signs include:

  • Tooth turning grey/black
  • Swollen gum area causing intense pain
  • Cracked tooth
  • Tooth sensitivity, especially when exposed to extreme temperatures
  • Sharp pain when biting or chewing
A close-up of a mouth showing teeth with fillings.

How to Prevent the Need for a Root Canal

The best way to avoid a root canal is to care for your teeth properly. Maintaining good oral health habits can prevent dental problems that can lead to this restorative procedure. Some of the best preventative measures are simple and don’t require much effort to add to your oral health routine.

Brush & Floss

You likely already have a solid brushing and flossing routine: brushing with your toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste twice daily and flossing regularly. These oral hygiene basics help remove plaque from the teeth’s surface and the hard-to-reach areas of the mouth, helping reduce your chance of developing cavities or tooth decay.

Get Your Cavities Filled

Cavities are holes that develop on the surface of the tooth. Almost everyone gets a cavity at some point, but they don’t go away on their own. At Sixth Line Family Dental, the dental team will perform X-rays and a visual exam during your cleanings to detect the formation of cavities.

If left unfilled, cavities can grow larger and expose the deep layers of the tooth, leaving you at a higher risk of needing a root canal.

Avoid Sugary Drinks & Foods

As delicious as sweets can be, sugar attracts harmful bacteria that create an acidic environment in your mouth. The acid can wear down the enamel, the outer protective layer of the teeth, leading to tooth sensitivity and a greater risk of developing cavities.

Sticky foods can also affect your enamel. Something as simple as a breath mint can stick to the teeth and gradually release sugar over an extended period. Consume sugar in moderation, and brush and floss after your snack or dessert.

Wear a Protective Mouthguard

A mouth injury from playing sports can result in trauma or damage to your teeth. When you get a minor chipped tooth or a more severe injury, a root canal is sometimes the best procedure to repair the tooth.

Sixth Line Family Dental can create a custom mouthguard for night grinding to help prevent your teeth from wearing down and exposing the pulp during the night. The protective mouthguard can help reduce jaw pain, preserve your enamel, and reduce your risk of needing a root canal.

What Are the Benefits of a Root Canal?

If you need a root canal and are apprehensive about your procedure, Sixth Line Family Dental strives to help reduce dental anxiety. We’ll use a local anesthetic to numb the area before we begin the treatment, and we also offer conscious sedation to help settle your nerves, ease discomfort, and promote relaxation.

Root canals have some advantages for your overall oral health. The procedure can:

  • Eliminate the need for tooth extraction
  • Ease symptoms of infections
  • Prevent the spread of infection to other teeth
  • Diminish the risk of jawbone damage

Dental Care at Sixth Line Family Dental

We perform many root canals regularly, and they’re considered a safe procedure with a high success rate. The dental team at Sixth Line Family Dental will discuss the possibility of a root canal with you during your routine exam and cleaning.If you’re experiencing any signs of tooth damage, pain, or sensitivity, contact us to schedule an appointment to treat your dental problems.

Written by Priya Naagar

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